Monn, Voolvif (1)
Basic info

First appearance: Clone Wars, Season 2 (2004)
Species: Shistavanen
Relations: Jedi Order
Events: Geonosis Arena Battle, Battle of Muunilinst (CW)


Voolvif Monn was a Shistavanen Jedi Master who served as a Jedi General during the Clone Wars. After he was discovered to be strong in the Force, Monn was taken as an infant from a planet near the Arah asteroid belt by a Jedi named Paouoish Rahhdool. Rahhdool took his new Padawan back to Coruscant to be trained in the ways of the light side of the Force. Monn proved a keen Jedi, eventually becoming a Jedi Knight some time prior to 22 BBY. He took the Jedi tradition of isolation and solitude to an extreme, standing aloof from his peers.
When the Clone Wars broke out in 22 BBY, Monn was one of a team of Jedi sent to Geonosis to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala. In the battle that ensued, he was one of few survivors, and his ability to cope against the Separatist droid forces allowed him to ascend to the rank of Jedi Master. During the three year conflict between the Republic and the CIS, Monn participated in several more battles, including the Battle of Muunilinst, emerging on the victorious side in each of them.


Complete list

Voolvif Monn
SWM Masters of the Force
Voolvif Monn
Tags (3)

Shistavanen | Jedi Order | Battle of Muunilinst (CW)

Last updated: 29.08.2021 11:19:07